Experience the remarkable healing power of Greenaway’s Comfrey, Lavender & Plantain Ointment.
Comfrey contains a substance called Allantoin which speeds up the growth of new skin cells, accelerating
the healing of open wounds. Comfrey is also anti-inflammatory and excellent for bruising, sprains and fractures. Plantain is antiseptic and excellent for slow-healing sores, while Lavender has anti- inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The combination makes an excellent all-round healing ointment.
Why use the Comfrey, Lavender & Plantain Ointment:
- Wounds and Sores: Our ointment creates a protective barrier over wounds and sores, helping with faster healing while reducing the risk of infection. Its soothing ingredients help relieve pain and discomfort.
- Burns and Sunburn: This ointment provides instant relief for burns, including sunburn. It cools and calms the affected area, reducing redness and minimizing peeling while aiding skin regeneration.
- Skin Ulcers: The ingredients used help stimulate cell regeneration, reduces inflammation and assist with the closure of ulcers.
- Post-natal healing: This soothing but powerful ointment promotes tissue repair after childbirth, reducing discomfort for new mothers.
- Cancerous and Sun Spots: Used regularly, the nourishing formula assists in fading cancerous spots and sun damage, gradually restoring skin tone and restoring radiance.
- Bed Sores: The ointment speeds up cell regrowth to promote recovery. It moisturises the affected area, helping to alleviate pain and preventing further damage.
- Cracked Heels: This ointment promotes the healing of cracks by speeding up cell regrowth, restoring softness and suppleness to your feet.
- Hemorrhoids: This ointment provides soothing relief for haemorrhoids by reducing inflammation and promoting blood flow to the affected area. Its gentle formula helps alleviate discomfort and aids in the healing process, bringing you comfort and relief.
- Spider Bites: This unique blend of natural ingredients eases the pain and swelling associated with spider bites. It helps to draw toxins from the wound, is antiseptic and speeds up cell repair.
- Sprains, Swelling, Sore Muscles and Arthritis: The anti-inflammatory properties of our ointment provides relief for sprains, swelling, sore muscles and arthritis. By reducing inflammation and promoting circulation, it helps alleviate pain and aids in a faster recovery.